Friday, January 29, 2010

Spelling Bee Winner Disqualified

I realize I may make at least a few parents mad but I feel it necessary to point out a problem in our schools. The winners of the spelling bee were announced earlier and my hat off to the two winners. Anytime you come out ahead in a competition it is good.
However, are we really at a point when the winning word for a seventh grader is “gorgeous”? The runner-up won on “macaroni”. I called my granddaughter who is a fifth grader in Austin. Without any preparation I asked her to spell gorgeous. She spelled it “gorgous” – off by one letter. She spelled “macaroni” correctly.
Granted she is homeschooled and I guess that is an advantage, but should it be? At the rate of $10,000 per pupil in our public schools, should we not expect more? My daughter-in-law spends less than $10,000 per year to homeschool three children. Should we not expect a better education than what she can give?
I realize spell check on computers make it unnecessary to type correctly. But when I interview a prospect they are required to handwrite their application. If they cannot write legibly or do not spell correctly they are immediately disqualified. How can I expect them to communicate with our customers if they are not able to write or spell?

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