Friday, May 14, 2010

AttentionTwo Wheelers

While all the two wheelers are out there asking for bigger lanes and special bike paths how about doing a few things first for us?

Like obeying traffic laws. Today I witnessed one biker run two red lights and turned right on red without stopping at a third. You are required to follow all traffic laws yet I have never seen a two wheeler pulled over for running a red light.

Or how about using the sidewalks that we have already paid for. The aforementioned biker was riding on Lillian Miller in morning traffic with an empty sidewalk 20 feet away.

Streets, roads, and highways were all paid for, designed, built, and maintained for motorized vehicles. Not a single bicycle has been taxed for the purpose of maintaining our streets. My car is taxed every time I fill up. Every time I pay for the registration sticker and every time I get it inspected some of the money goes into the mythical highway trust fund (another topic for another blog).

Or you could start by obeying the common courtesy of pedaling a bicycle. You know like, single file in the direction of traffic. In case you haven't figure it out a 2,000 lb car will win every encounter against a 5 oz titanium bike. Riding down Ryan Rd or Canyon Creek may be scenic and pleasant but when you are riding two or three abreast you are secretly making a death wish.

If you want unobstructed, straight, flat, maintained places to ride, try the shoulder on I-35. Or maybe park your two wheeler in front of your 50 inch plasma with the back wheel up and ride in your living room.

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