Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Change, Hope, Transparency

Here we are one year into the Obama administration. Rather than being negative, let’s look at the bright side of things. Let’s see what was promised and what has been accomplished.
He promised change, did he deliver? Well, ownership of the car companies, banks and soon healthcare changed from the private sector to the government. The deficit changed from being out of control to unsustainable. The dollar has changed from being the world currency to being devalued like we have never seen. The national debt ceiling was changed to $12 trillion.
Hope was promised. About 15% of the American public who are now out of a job hopes they can get one soon. The other 85% hopes they won’t be next.
This was promised to be the most transparent administration ever. It is so transparent we know exactly which Senators were bribed to get their vote on healthcare. We know the Senator from Louisiana was bribed with $300 million and the Nebraska Senator was bribed with no Medicare increases.
We also know which union bosses have been to the Whitehouse to receive their payoffs. In return for their millions in campaign donations they get a free ride on the tax for Cadillac health plans.
We were told it would not be business as usual. So we bailout the biggest banks, they pay us back with interest and now are being taxed on their profits. Meanwhile, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are paying the top execs in excess of $6 million in bonuses and are not subject to the pay czar and have not paid back a penny.
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

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